Yesterday, I found a very interesting place in Paris! It is called "La Réserve des arts" and basically it's a place where you can find supplies (at a low/very low price).
They buy end of stocks, scrap materials, old stocks from factories or not used materials and resell them, offering them a second life. These "scraps" are repurposed by them into supplies. I like them due to their upcycling activity, I am a big fan of Upcycling! :)
Only art professionals can buy from them: artists, art or architecture students etc. In order to buy, you must become a member, in exchange of a fee (5-50 Eur).
So I became a member, and I found some very interesting leather scraps or whole pieces, and not only that! :D
That means that a new project will happen soon!
Photos will arrive soon...
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